School Uniform
- Navy blue school jumper or school cardigan
- Light blue polo shirt or shirt
- Grey skirt, grey trousers or tailored shorts, grey pinafore dress
- Blue checked dress/culotte dress
- White, navy blue, grey or black socks / tights
Trainers, trainer style shoes or boots are not acceptable as school shoes. Fashion shoes, including canvas shoes are not allowed on Health & Safety grounds.
- Black or dark blue shoes.
- Shoes with a heel of more than 2cm are not permitted.
- Crocs or open toed shoes/sandals are not permitted.
- Trainers are not permitted unless worn for PE lessons.
- A pair of wellington boots or suitable outdoor shoes to be left at school.
- Pupils should bring a coat to school every day. This should be appropriate for the weather conditions.
- There is no specified colour for coats, but school branded items can be purchased if parents wish.
Hats, gloves and scarves
- Hats, gloves and scarves may be worn and do not need to adhere to a particular colour.
- Hats, gloves and scarves should not be worn inside the school buildings.
- Sun hats should be worn outside during the hotter summer months.
- Any item which is deemed unsuitable, or offensive will not be permitted.
- No jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings.
- Only gold or silver stud earrings are permitted and these should be no larger than the ear lobe.
- Only a single pair of earrings worn on each lobe is permitted.
- Pupils can wear a watch.
- Smart watches are not permitted.
- Jewellery worn for medical or religious reasons is permitted after consultation with the Headteacher.
- Hair must be neat and tidy and not dyed or coloured.
- Lines must not be cut in to hair or eyebrows.
- Hair weaves/braids must match the natural hair colour.
- Shaved in initials, motifs or hair extensions are not permitted.
- Hair longer than collar length should be tied back for health and safety reasons.
- Hair accessories such as bows, clips and hairbands may be worn but these must be discreet and only in school colours - white, dark blue or light blue.
- These may be worn for religious reasons but must be in school colours – white, dark blue or light blue.
- These must also be removed during PE lessons, unless the Head Teacher has given permission following confirmation in writing from parents that the child is post-puberty, and only then if it is close fitting.
Make-up, transfers and nail varnish
- Make-up, skin transfers and nail polish are not permitted in school and parents will be contacted asking them to ensure these are removed before the next school day.
PE uniform
- Navy polo shirt
- Navy or black shorts
- Plain navy or black jogging bottoms or leggings (skins are not permitted)
- A spare pair of socks
- Dark blue, white or black trainers (light up LED trainers are not permitted)
- Plain navy or black hoodie or sweatshirt
- Pupils will usually be barefoot for gymnastics and dance. Plimsolls and trainers do not allow a child’s foot to grip on the PE apparatus so cannot be worn for these lessons.
- Long hair must be tied back for safety reasons.
- PE kit is to be worn on PE and Nature School days.
PE and earrings
- Stud earrings must be removed for PE sessions, either by the child prior to the lesson or ideally before coming to school.
- If earrings cannot be removed, then they should be sufficiently taped by parents / carers prior to arriving at school.
- Unfortunately, we cannot help with the removal of earrings, therefore, if your child is unable to remove them by themselves, please remove before coming to school.
- School staff are not responsible for the safekeeping of earrings that are removed.
- For any planned ear piercing please bear this in mind and have them done at the start of the 6-week summer holidays.
Nature School and Outdoor Learning Uniform
- Waterproof coat – please ensure this is suitable for the time of year. For example, during the colder months your child will need something warmer than just a waterproof.
- Waterproof dungarees or trousers
- For safety reasons long trousers must be worn for all Nature School sessions.
- For safety reasons long hair must be tied back and away from the face.
- A pair of boots or outdoor shoes suitable for being outdoors in all weathers
- It is very helpful if the above items can be left in school so the children can access them as required.